The wait is over. It’s finally happening. Our families are going away for the weekend. Our spouse is off for a work trip. The children are at camp. There’s no other way to say it but it’s home alone time!
We are now the lords of our abode, the sole master of our living space. Even momentarily, even if it’s just for a weekend or a single day, this time spent in solitude, without responsibilities, without adhering to someone else’s schedule is mighty precious indeed.
Personally, I truly cherish the time I get when I am home by myself. Contrary to popular belief, time spent with ourselves is necessary. How else will we get to know what we are like if we are constantly around someone else? It is liberating to have our own space and time, to be as we would like to be. On top of that, whatever we wish to do is uninterrupted and unhindered by obligations.
But now that we have the time, what DO we do, you ask? There’s always chores to tackle or errands to run. I’d say that the options are endless but for the sake of this article, we will keep it to 7 things to do when you are home alone.
There is no better activity for a day home alone than to be an absolute couch potato. When I have the house all to myself, I love binge watching a good tv series. Pause when you need to, fast forward when you are bored, skip to your favourite episode, need I say more? This is the time to break out the DVDs, go through the Blu-Ray collections and get started with re-watching your favorite series. If it’s a rainy day, you’ve hit the jackpot!
Need a recommendation on what to watch? Depending on your attention span and current mood, TV series range from half hour plays to an hour long episodes. You can leave 10 seasons of FRIENDS running in the background from dawn to dusk, but Breaking Bad will require your full attention. You get the picture. Just prepare a massive bowl of popcorn (or snack of choice) and any other delicious goodies within arm's length, and snuggle in your pajamas for a good ol’ binge.
Music aficionados will revel at the very thought of having time alone. When else can we blast the speakers to full volume, pump up the bass and just sink into the latest album of our favorite artist? There's something special about listening to an album from start to finish, a storytelling on a musical level that cannot be compared to anything else. In some ways, it's even more special when the artist hasn't released anything new in awhile.
As we grow older, it becomes harder to stay in touch with the people we grew up with. They move away, we relocate, they get married and have children, we go to graduate school and change careers. A study conducted by Oxford University shows that married couples have fewer friends. And we all know that no (wo)man is an island.
The good news about living in the 21st century is the technology at our fingertips. With Internet connectivity, we are able to reach out and reconnect with lost friendships no matter where they are. As the saying goes - absence makes the heart grow fonder, think about who you’d like to speak with again. Take your pick from FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, or any other messaging app, and take a chance on reconnecting with your friends. Find out what they've been up to and perhaps, the conversation will encourage a rekindling of an old friendship.
With the house empty, it is the perfect time to turn it into a day spa! Self-love and self-care ought to be practised religiously but while you are home alone, take it to the next step. Start by giving yourself a hair treatment and get those locks into a conditioner. Next get a facial mask and some cucumber slices for your eyes. After that, run the bath and soak in some bath salts. Finally, end with a perfect cup of tea and lounge in your comfiest outfit.
It's a good time to experiment (safely) with new recipes that may have caught your eye. I personally like to prepare and cook when no one's at home. It's just easier when there's nobody to cramp your style and nosing around with the ingredients. Feel free to try a new dish, or retreat to your old favourites. Either way, it’s the perfect time to indulge without any distractions (or sneaky fingers) from your family.
Dedicate your free time to learning something new when there's no one home to distract you. Use the Internet to your advantage and check out free courses and learning material. You could also go old-school and visit the library to browse and borrow books and much more that might interest you. Discovering new ideas and improving your knowledge is a good way to spend your time home alone.
We know that we need to clean our homes. But after a long week of juggling work and other commitments, it’s easy to chuck chores onto the back seat. However, when there’s no one home, it's the perfect time to get your cleaning gloves on and all the cleaning devices out. While it seems overwhelming and we are often stumped as to where to begin, our advice is to start from where we spend the most time.
The bedroom is where we spend at least 8 hours of our day. Starting with the bed, grab some fresh linen and wash the used bedding. Take this opportunity to vacuum the floors because when no one’s home, it’s easier to suction fluff and dander without any dangling legs. Last but not least, clean down the bathroom stall while you are in the shower. And voila! Time to relax and reward yourself for a job well done.