If you want more freedom in life, get more disciplined. This is the essence of Jocko Willink’s bestselling book ‘Discipline Equals Freedom.’ It can be applied to any and every aspect of your life and covers both mental and physical discipline. Being disciplined means doing the right thing when no-one’s watching.
The old, anonymous saying of “doing the right thing when nobody’s looking” really applies here. We can put on a show for others and perform in the spotlight, but what use is that if it’s just a façade that vanishes when we’re left alone?
Here are some of the most inspiring quotes to inspire you to do more and be more through the art of discipline:
There are no shortcuts in life. There are no cheat codes. There is no easy way. Most people forget about this and dream their lives away instead of taking action. Things rarely happen by miracle. Stop waiting for luck and success to find you, go out and create it for yourself.
Nobody’s perfect, and more importantly, nobody’s YOU. Don’t try to be like other people. Yes, you can learn from them but don’t copy their every move, they’re only human too.
When you’ve overcome by stress, fear, and emotion, you’ll notice that it’s almost impossible to do anything. But these feelings are just that; feelings created by yourself in your own mind. When you learn to control your mind instead of letting it control you, you will be free from your negative thoughts. Discipline over the mind is your ultimate freedom.
Putting self-discipline into action will only make it stronger, not the other way around. Yes, you might face resistance at first. Heck, you might face resistance every single day! But as you get stronger, so will your discipline. So will your feeling of freedom.
When it seems like nothing is going your way, it’s simply life’s way of testing whether you really want what you say you do. It’s testing whether you’re willing to overcome the biggest obstacles to get to your goals. Don’t take it as a direct hit – catch that curveball and roll with it.
Don’t let the weight of stress and challenge crush you. That’s not what they’re meant to do. Take on challenges with a smile. Learn from your mistakes. Let hardships elevate you and mistakes make you wiser. That is how you excel in life.
Don’t waste your time wallowing in what could’ve, should’ve or would’ve been. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t let regret swallow you up – take what’s valuable and learn from it. Your only mistake is not learning from your mistakes.
We might think of discipline as the enemy of freedom, its complete opposite. But what discipline really does it give you that freedom like nothing else will. Discipline will turn you into what you want to become faster than anything else would.
Motivation is a fickle friend. One day it’s here and the next day it isn’t. Motivation is not something that you should count on. Discipline is.
Instead of wasting time thinking about the ins and outs of a new decision, project, or task you want to do, just get started. You can always edit a first draft; you cannot edit a blank page.
If you think the stress is too much, just remember that you are stronger than you think. You can handle more than you know. Just give yourself the chance to prove it.
When you kill your ego, you are free to tackle the things that would’ve otherwise caused you to cower in fear. You get better in ways you can’t imagine because there’s nothing holding you back.
The path to freedom lies in discipline. Taking control of your life and your situation by exercising discipline takes a LOT of work and commitment. But if you’re serious about finding freedom, this is the way.
The key to success lies in the actions we do when there’s nobody there to witness them. When we don’t get praised or punished for what we do. When we are disciplined enough to do the right thing by ourselves, that is when we win.