Everyone, at different stages of his or her life, has an unfair advantage. If you do something that you have an unfair advantage over other people, then your chance of success or achieving your goal would significantly increase.
Here are some examples of unfair advantage that you have:
When your back is against the wall, you would probably do whatever it takes to survive. If you need to write 10000 words a day to make a living, you probably could pull it off if you absolutely need the money to survive.
If you have a website or a youtube channel or a social media channel with regular organic traffic, that means you can sell service or sell products without worrying about the cost of buying advertisements. The thing about buying advertisements is that you hope that you receive 2 dollars with every dollar spent, but a lot of times you receive not even a single cent back.
If you do one single thing better than a lot of people (within a reasonably large region), you have a huge advantage. Let’s say if you are a top 10 Java coder in your city, a lot of companies would want you. You don’t want to work for companies? You can be a one-man-band consultant. You don’t want to face clients? You can create your online course.
Some people don’t have the one thing that you do better than a lot of people. However, they have a combination of skills that allow them to create unique value to others. For example, a person that has an average programming skill and an average communication skill and an average marketing skill may be an elite candidate to play some unique role on a team. The person may be able to put together a very good product for others, given his special combination of skills.