
Why Can't I Get Motivated? 6 Helpful Tips that Get You Going

Feeling unmotivated is something that happens to even the best of us. Sometimes, we don’t just feel motivated enough to take on regular chores or major challenges in life. It may happen when you want to clean the house or when you need to hit the gym to lose some weight. In any case, a lack of motivation will keep you from doing the things that matter in your life and reaping the benefits. 

Knowing that it is completely normal to be short of motivation, finding a way around it is very important. There are several things you can do when you have no motivation, and we will discuss them in simple terms here.

Understand Why You Are Not Feeling Motivated 

Lack of motivation can be attributed to many things. While it can happen naturally, it is mostly a symptom of a bigger problem. When that is the case, understanding the root cause is key to finding a lasting solution. 

Perfectionists, for instance, can feel less motivated to do something when they are afraid that they may not get it done flawlessly. In this case, overcoming the fear as well as the need to be perfect at all costs will help improve their motivation. 

Lack of motivation can be strongly linked to procrastination, also. For procrastinators, the problem gets deeper because the more they procrastinate, the less motivated they get. In this case, getting started with the task is the only way to become motivated. 

In addition to the major reasons discussed in the paragraphs above, other factors can contribute to a lack of motivation. Prominent ones include:

  • The desire to avoid challenges and uncomfortable feelings  
  • Self-doubt about the ability or capacity to handle a task 
  • Being overwhelmed as a result of life challenges and tasks ahead 
  • Lack of commitment to a goal 
  • Mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and others 
  • Lack of incentive or expected reward from completing a task. 

These and a few other reasons zap motivation most times. When you look inward, you can always identify the major reason for your lack of motivation. When you address the root cause properly, motivation will return. 

Act Motivated and a Lot Can Change In an Instant 

Most times, your mind will need to be tricked a little in order to get in line. You can change your state of mind by tricking it. No matter what your mind is telling you, act as if you are motivated already. In most instances, your actions will change your emotions immediately. 

Most writers can relate to this illustration. You are feeling so negative and unmotivated about writing a piece. You sit on the couch in your pajamas for hours. Suddenly, you force yourself to go to the desk and start typing on the computer. Suddenly, you are motivated that you will write for hours before realizing that you haven't eaten your breakfast.

Instead of sitting around waiting for motivation, trick your mind into becoming motivated. Get on with the task in front of you, and you will be amazed at how fast motivation will hit you. It is always as if it waits for you to take the first step.

Fight Back the Negative Thought  

Lack of motivation is often followed by several negative thoughts about why you shouldn't take action. Once lack of motivation sets in, you will hear a million voices giving you reasons to stay that way. You really need to fight back if you want motivation to come.

When the voice says you will fail, tell yourself that you will succeed. When the voice says you lack the energy to get started and finish, tell yourself you are strong enough to get the job done. Push away pessimism with opposing arguments, and motivation will return.

Practice Self-Compassion 

Some people erroneously assume that being hard on themselves is the key to being motivated. You may force your body and mind to do what they don’t feel like doing, but you will weigh them down with time. Spare yourself the harsh self-criticism. Try self-compassion instead, and you will see motivation return in the most natural way. 

The link between self-compassion and motivation has been confirmed by relevant studies. Researchers at the University of California confirmed that self-compassion increases the motivation to recover from failure. Another study published in Clinical Psychological Review found that it can also improve mental health. Instead of being too hard on yourself, speak to yourself like a trusted friend and coach yourself patiently until motivation returns. 

Practice Self-Care 

This is quite similar to the point above. Most people dwell on a lack of motivation simply because they aren't caring for themselves. Negative habits like sleep deprivation, poor diet, and a lack of leisure time will always come back to hurt your body and mind.

It is hard to lack motivation when you follow the right self-care plan. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, drink enough water, and make out time for leisure and fun. 

Use the 10-Minute Rule 

This is a trick that works for most people. It can help you get started and finish a task that you are feeling less motivated to do. The rule suggests that when you dread taking on a particular task, you should get started with it and pause after ten minutes to determine whether you want to quit or continue with the task. Most times, you will find that you have enough motivation after just ten minutes to continue with a task that you have started. Getting started is usually the hardest part with most tasks, and this trick will help you take actions that always lead to success.

Other Helpful Tips 

In addition to the core tips we have discussed, there are several other things you can do to recover from a lack of motivation. Here are more ways to recover from a lack of motivation:

  • Combine a dreaded task with something you enjoy (like good music) 
  • Go for a walk in nature 
  • Create a to-do list and be disciplined enough to follow it
  • Reward yourself for your good works 
  • Seek professional help when you feel you need it. 

Final Words 

It is normal that you will feel less motivated sometimes – everyone actually struggles with motivation. How you feel about it doesn’t matter much. The most important thing is understanding how to manage your lack of motivation. When you respond the right way, you will find yourself achieving most of your goals. We believe the tips here can help you to a great extent. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. 

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